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  • Writer's pictureHealani Nendel

The Decisions

This image is of all the reasonably significant decisions I tracked for a week.

And this image is of the important decisions or the ones that raised flags

Written answers for the following: How did this go for you? What did you learn? What are the implications to you?

When I look at this list, I see that I make my own choices about my life, except when it comes to my health and general wellbeing. My friends and family tend to look out for me when it comes to sleeping and eating habits. I created my schedule around my ability to hang out with the people I care about and fit in my homework around that. If they needed help, I did the same thing where I stopped what I was doing or what I should be doing in order to take care of myself and put them first. This was a decision that I made. But my friends and family know my habit. They use this knowledge to both take care of my health for me and take advantage of my wish to help and use me for support when it is convenient for them.

Some of the choices on this list were made because of decisions that I had made earlier in my life, one big one being the choice not to have a license or car. This means that my choices of when and where are limited by the other modes of transportation that I can take.

Where are you with each of the 5 IdeaGrit Decisions listed above?

Decisions are making a choice to do one thing above all others. This means that you choose and have the confidence to say, “this is where I am going.” I may not know where my decisions will lead me, but this is a choice I make. This isn’t easy for me. In my family, the children follow the path that my parents have left for them. When I realized this, I made the decision to make my own choices and let come what may. I chose to move schools and placed myself out of the comfort zone that my mother held. We didn’t speak for a year. That was my first step to deciding to make my own choices. The next step on my journey was to find out why I am here. Why is it that I am on this earth right here and now? This is a step I still struggle with. And I don’t think I will be able to leave these struggles in the past. When you decide to make a difference, you are saying that you are the best person to make that difference. That takes confidence and the belief that you hold enough worth to make a difference somewhere. I am actively pushing myself to acknowledge my worth and value. I am actively deciding to make a difference even if it’s in just one person. I feel that this is also my act of deciding to put in the effort. I am pushing myself to be better and try. This means that I need to start with myself and move outwards. I feel that I cannot move onto being a changemaker. While I am still struggling with the second step of the five decisions. But I want to become a changemaker. The last decision on the list is the decision to act. I will act. I will make a difference and I will act on the way I want to live my life. Overall, I feel I am making active strides towards becoming someone who can live up to these decisions. I might not be strong enough to use them all yet, but I will be one day.

What is helping and/or hindering you with making these decisions?

My self-confidence or lack thereof, is hindering my ability to make these decisions. I feel I don’t have the ability or value to say that I can stand with others and make change. This is a feeling of inadequacy and it is something I am actively trying to change. On the other hand, something that is helping me achieve my goals of meeting these decisions is my drive to help others. I want to help other succeed at their goals and take on the world, but to do that I need to make a change in myself and accept and commit to these decisions to help the future people I want to help.

How does a minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation fit for you? (or not). Describe fully noting any areas of uncertainty.

I’ve been like most other people all my life in that I don’t know what I’m doing or what the future holds in store for me. I still don’t. But I’ve learned something: you can’t stop planning and creating change in your own life and expect to be happy. Just because you can’t hold absolute knowledge of what the future holds for you doesn’t mean that you should stop planning and go completely with the flow. But at the same time, if I try to follow the same well-worn path that everyone goes down, I am not going to find happiness. My path in life has led me to find out that I love watching other people find and do their passion. I want to help them create their passions and do them for a living. If this is my goal in life, then I need to be able to create and help people start their own businesses. This minor is all about forging a path that others haven’t always traveled. There are new ways to walk the road we live on and I want to learn about how to do that. This minor is going to help me reach my goal of being able to reach out to others and help them create something when they didn’t know they had the ability to do that before. But this also means that I am stuck in an area that I don’t fully understand. I am not good at coming up with ideas, but I love to help others make their ideas a reality. I can’t fully understand other’s passions, but I can help them make their ideas a reality, and that is where my own passion lies.

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